The Impact of University Students’ Semester End Module Feedback on Tutors’ Change of Teaching and Learning Environment in Paro College of Education

Author Details

Dr. Phuntsho Dolma, Mr. Jurme Thinley

Journal Details


Published: 5 July 2019 | Article Type :


This study was intended to investigate the impact of university students’ semester end module feedback on their respective module tutors at Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. It was intended to find if and how end of semester feedback changes the learning environment of the students. The total population sample of 539 student teachers from Paro College of Education was targeted for the research. For that, a mixed method comprising of both quantitative and quality was used for this study. Research tools such as survey questionnaires (quantitative) along with a few open-ended questions and interviews (qualitative) were used to collect the data. The findings from this study tend to reveal that although; the student teachers are in favour of the feedback system in the college, they do not seem to observe its impact strongly on the module tutors. As a result, a very less chance of changes for improvement taking place in various programme of the college. The benefit of this study was expected to be very relevant for the authorities to count the values of the students’ feedback for the effective development of the programme in the college. Further, the outcome of this study was also aimed to determine the importance of students' feedback in the history of Bhutanese education context.

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How to Cite


Dr. Phuntsho Dolma, Mr. Jurme Thinley. (2019-07-05). "The Impact of University Students’ Semester End Module Feedback on Tutors’ Change of Teaching and Learning Environment in Paro College of Education." *Volume 3*, 3, 12-20